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In Today’s Election Forecast Complimentary Training You’ll See:

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Stated results are from hypothetical options applied to real published trades from 10/30/23 - 10/17/24. The result was a 95.7% win rate on 259 trades, an average return of 12.% including winners and losers and average hold time of less than 24 hours. Performance is not indicative of future results. Trade at your own risk and never risk more than you can afford to lose.

Roger And Kane’s Top Predictions On Post-Election Volatility, Interest Rates, Oil, Gold, Cryptos, And A Shocking S&P 500 Price Forecast You Can’t Afford To Miss

A New Way To “Piggyback” On Institutional And Hedge Fund Buying Activity As It’s Happening… (Plus: How Roger Booked 248 Wins With A 95.7% Success Rate Doing It)

Their #1 Election Stock (and Sector) Set To Outperform After The 2024 Presidential Elections